Azure Reserved Instances and Microsoft’s Love for Software Assurance
May 16, 2018
Recently, Microsoft announced Azure RI’s are now available in CSP. Lots of talk about comparing it to AWS, the cost savings over traditional pricing models, and leveraging existing Windows Server [...]

MSP Opinion: Why Companies Choose Microsoft’s Azure
May 14, 2018
“We assumed that everything was the same, i.e., it’s a virtual environment and we can deploy it as if it was sitting in the closet" Organizations worldwide are transforming the [...]

What is a Service Provider?
Mar 6, 2018
The year 2017 has brought on A LOT of change for the hosting community. A hosting company used to be an organization that hosted Exchange - fast forward to today [...]

Licensing Guide: Amazon Web Services
Jan 26, 2018

Datacenter Outsourcing: Licensing Rules for MSP’s and SPLA Providers
Mar 24, 2017

Switching Datacenter Providers
Feb 4, 2017
The latest buzz word in this crazy IT world in which we live is not “Cloud” it’s “Hybrid Cloud”. Even the definition of hybrid cloud has evolved throughout its [...]
- Audits and SPLA asked by Johnadans
- Reporting a EOL SPLA license asked by mandlisone
- Software services reseller asked by chair2022
- Are SALs required when app runs on customer's hardware? asked by cdexter123
- SPLA – Windows Server and CAL asked by [email protected]