ISV SQL Runtime Server licensing on a SPLA Provider Root Server? › Category: Questions › Author "technik_fug" › ISV SQL Runtime Server licensing on a SPLA Provider Root Server?
technik_fug asked 4 years ago
following situation:
We have an application which uses MS SQL Std. Runtime Licenses. Normaly this software is only used onpremise. Now we have a customer who would like to rent a physical machine via a Hoster which uses SPLA Windows Server licenses.
The applicaton will be connected via VPN. There will be now connection directly from the internet, only via VPN.
This customer will use our software on his own, no reselling.
Are we allowed to sell and run these ISV SQL Runtime licenses? Do we need an extra Aggreement with the hoster?
If no, what would be the correct way to license this situation?
Thank you.
Question Tags: ISV SQL on SPLA Servre
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