The BSA Audit: How trusted employees can cause you to be audited
Oct 27, 2018
Did you know that over 60 percent of data breaches are caused by trusted employees. In fact, incidents of fraud and cybersecurity are often inside jobs perpetrated by current, former [...]

How to Report SPLA Usage to be Compliant
Apr 27, 2018
The biggest benefit to SPLA is the month-month licensing rules. The biggest downfall to SPLA (and CSP for that matter) is its month-month licensing rules. What's a benefit to [...]

The Truth Behind Your SPLA Licensing Agreement
Mar 23, 2018

Do you have SA? Why this question really matters.
Mar 6, 2018
John's Hosting's sales director is consistently looking on the web to see what competition is advertising. It drives him nuts to see other "hoster's" advertise SharePoint for less than what [...]
- Audits and SPLA asked by Johnadans
- Reporting a EOL SPLA license asked by mandlisone
- Software services reseller asked by chair2022
- Are SALs required when app runs on customer's hardware? asked by cdexter123
- SPLA – Windows Server and CAL asked by [email protected]